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Solar Hot Water Heating
How long will the solar hot water system take to pay for itself?
Water heating costs account for about half of most household’s energy bill. Through an efficient solar hot water system, you can reduce energy costs for hot water by 75% each year.
What is the most efficient hot water system?
To work at maximum efficiency, your solar panel should be placed to face north at around 35 degrees. From the evacuated tubes, the heated water is pumped down to the hot water cylinder (HWC). The hot water is moved with a circulating pump which costs around 10c a day to run.
Solar Ready?
What about heat loss in winter?
Solar water heating has come a long way in the past 20 years. Heat loss for solar panels used to be an issue, particularly during the winter months. However, with the introduction of evacuated glass tube technology, heat loss is minimised. Heat cannot pass through a vacuum, so evacuated glass tubes work like exceptionally efficient double glazing.
Can I add a solar hot water system to an existing home?
Yes, of course you can. Admittedly, it is better to install a solar hot water system when building your house, but it can be retrofitted. It is recommended you have a large hot water cylinder. The larger the cylinder, the more freely heated hot water you can store.
Thinking about solar hot water? Call us for an obligation-free quote.

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Interested in gas heating? Need your gas appliance serviced? Want to reduce your monthly hot water bill? Problems with leaky taps, toilets, hot water heaters or spouting? Then we can help you. Call us and we promise you an experienced, craftsman plumber and gas fitter with a wide range of knowledge and expertise.
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As many of our clients are based in Warkworth, Snells Beach, Matakana and Omaha, we charge mileage from Warkworth. For those clients south of Mahurangi West and on the Whangaparaoa peninsula, we charge mileage from Orewa.